Private / White Label Hot Tubs

Don’t want to sell hot tubs under our brand?
We can produce hot tubs without LavaTubs branding.
Use the hot tub models we have created or let’s work together to create an exclusive one with your branding only.

Private Label Hot Tubs

The private label model is very popular in the world and allows you to create an exclusive, high quality hot tub that will be branded with your name. In this way, you just have to come up with the kind of hot tub you want and take care of the sales, the technical customer service.

Lavatubs Kubilas

White Label Hot Tubs

The white label trading model is also very popular. This means that we can offer our own tubs for sale and put your branding on them. This way you only have to take care of the sales and the maintenance of the tub.

Fill in the form or call

Customer feedback

"We used to have a fibreglass hot tub, but it wore out quickly because we rent out our farmhouse. Lavatubs introduced us to an acrylic hot tub, we wouldn't even choose another one. He knows his job well, quality hot tubs. "


"It's a very good tub, we've had it for two years now and it looks like new. We hired a guy to polish it once. I recommend"

We will be happy to help and answer any questions

We are happy to answer questions, even if they are only out of curiosity. We’ll tell you how to install a hot tub, what the delivery options are, the configuration options for hot tubs, how to properly maintain a hot tub, and what you need to have a long-lasting, great-looking hot tub.

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